For the past week I have been helping a good friend raise money for Mitt Romney (and so that I could attend a fundraising reception here in my town). Today was the day. The weather was absolutely beautiful for an outdoor garden reception.
It was held at the home of some of our other friends. They had set up a tent in the back with a podium. At 3:00, the high volume donors had an indoor private reception with Mitt Romney. The general reception began at 3:45. I took Julianne with me (since Trent was at home with Owen) and some of our friends took the other 3 kids home from church.
I was excited to be there for one reason in particular. I have a photo of my Dad with Mitt and Ann Romney taken in my Dad's apartment in 1973. I figured this was my best chance to get that photo signed for my dad. I brought with me 3 copies of it-- one for me, one for my dad, and one for the Romney's to keep. I brought a large self addressed stamped envelope and a brief note and was just hoping to find someone who could put it into their hands sometime. It didn't have to be today. I just hoped that someone would help me so that eventually I might get them back signed.
Julianne waited with some of our neighbors right in the front row by the podium while I went to see about finding the right person to help me. EVERYONE was so helpful. As soon as they saw the old photo they wanted to make sure Mitt got to see it.
Eventually I handed the envelope to the son of the person hosting this and he had me wait in the house at the bottom of the steps while he handed it to someone else who took it upstairs to Mitt. A few minutes later I got back both photos signed! Success!
Here is the photo for me all signed!!! Thanks Mitt Romney!!!!
Here are some other photos I took of him at the Event. He was introduced by Dave Neeleman and then spoke for about 20 minutes. It was a really inspiring speech. He spoke off the cuff, with no teleprompter and no notes. He was funny and witty. I really wish more people would take a moment to consider him. I truly don't believe that there is any candidate out there who you will agree with 100%. What I like about Mitt Romney is that he gets the job done. He knows when to compromise and work with both sides of the table (which he did so well in Massachusetts and with the Olympics) and he is willing to change his mind (a criticism of him I cannot understand). He does what it takes to accomplish the greater good. He values the ideas of the American dream that I value -- hard work and education provides limitless opportunity. He does not value an entitlement system. I DON'T VALUE an entitlement system.
And just how close were we? We got to shake his hand and say a brief hello. Here is Julianne right before she shook his hand and said Hi!
And then it was over. We were whisked back to our car in a cute golf cart and then we picked up the other 3 kids and headed to the piano recital. Adam immediately sat down on a plush chair, curled up in a ball, and fell asleep. I thought, "Oh he's so tired."
The girls played the piano excellently and we headed back home. I grabbed our sleeper and only then realized that he was burning up with a fever. I'm hoping he is not getting what Owen has.
Meanwhile back at the ranch . . . Owen still has blisters everywhere, but he doesn't seem to mind them at all anymore. His appetite is back, his busy-ness is back and his happy all the time ways have returned. We came home to find Daddy making cookies and Owen waiting with a spoon for a snitch!