I risked my iPhone for this pic. #splashmountain

All my kids! Happy new year Magic Kingdom style!

Loved meeting Mary Poppins. She told Owen, "get those filthy fingers out of you mouth!" In a proper British accent.

We made it at Epcot until 2:00. Then came the rain. And it hasn't let up. The kids all napped for 2 hours an have played quietly. Maybe the rain was just what we needed!

The 8th and final day at Disney!!! We had so much fun! Now for the last ride- there's no wait and the ride lasts 17 hours!!

"Mom, here's my business card. Just scan the bar code for all the details." He's only seven.

Catherine is 12 today!

Owen's new line. "Mom, can I be your best friend?" It really means can I sit on your lap and commandeer your iPhone.

Trent is FINALLY getting to see frozen. Kids have seen it JUST a few times!! #3D

We are working through our Christmas puzzles. We just finished this 750 piece puzzle. Now on to the 3000 piece one from my brother

Having never attempted a 3000 piece puzzle, I started with a plan. All pieces are separated on trays by shape. Edge is assembled. Now to work section by section. What I need are local puzzle fans to come over this week and help. Open invitation. Seriously

So far I'm on track with this 3000 piece puzzle. (The goal is 200 pieces a day- so it will be done in 2 weeks). There are a surprising number of life lessons where a 3000 piece puzzle is a good metaphor. I'll spare you the deep thoughts by Jamie handy

Me and Madelyn at Ghost!!