Thursday, November 10, 2011

Beautiful Light

There was some beautiful light outside that I just could not let pass. So I grabbed the boys to take them outside for some pictures. Owen was just so busy going up and down the steps, grabbing sticks and leaves, and enjoying the warm weather. I do just love his toes though!!!

Then I attempted some self portraits. I set my camera on timer (10 second delay) and then on mulitple shots (5 shots each 1/2 second apart). I would focus on a section of the tree that I could identify and then run out and try to make sure my eyes were in the same plane as that section of the tree. I actually think it worked out OK.

Then finally Adam came out to play-- he sat by Owen for a fraction of a second and I got this picture and then he was off on his trike, digging in the dirt and playing with the last pile of snow.

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