
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Sixth Post of Christmas

I have a statcounter on my blog and I thought today I would tell you about it. First let me just say this. . .

It is really amazing the things you can find out. For example it tracks for me how many page loads, unique visitors, and returning visitors I have everyday and I get a cool graph to look at.

I am cheap so I don't pay for it to store more than 500 entries, which means that a lot of the unique visitors are probably returning visitors, but it has been more than 500 page loads since they last visited so I don't have a record of it anymore. (Also, it blocks my ISP address, so that all of my visits don't skew the results.) On my actual blog, I report total visitors with a little counter. But there is so much more to statcounter than just this . . . OH SO MUCH MORE!!!!

For each individual visitor I can see this. . .

AMAZING huh??? I can see their city and state, I know if they are a MAC or PC user. I know how big their screen is. I can follow their navigation route and see exactly what they looked at and how long they looked at it. I can see what page referred them to my site and what page they left from my site. Check out this .. . . it is a map of all my recent visitors.

But my favorite tool of all is the keyword search info. This lets me know how people find my site using search engines and what they search for. Here is my keyword analysis for today . . .

Isn't that cool? 31 people found my site using search engines. Most of them searching for things related to Hannah Montana Cakes. If I were smart I would start selling them. I could probably sell 20 a day. But then I wouldn't have time to blog, so they will just have to make their own.

So, add a statcounter, you'll be glad!


  1. ok, I check your blog all day long, if I am waiting on one of my LO's to respond on a loan I am working on but cant leave my computer, so I check to see if you have updated anything. Now I just look like a blog stalker. GREAT! Your full of so much information, I just wanted to learn, not stalk. hehe

  2. You should try GoStats instead. It's a powered up version of statcounter. (plus Gostats doesn't limit you to 500 hits)

  3. So, since I have been "outed", I must confess I am a regular visitor to your blog. Amy turned me on to it during the 'mouse-gate' episodes and I have been hooked ever since. I crack up all the time! I must also confess that I can't get enough of Pioneer Woman's blog either!
    Happy blogging!

  4. that is so funny that this is you, I just randomly selected a user with absolutely no thought of whom it may be.
