
Monday, December 17, 2007

The Fifth post of Christmas & the first CONTEST on my blog

Now some of you may have noticed that I added ads to my blog. I did it for 2 main reasons.

First I love the blog called pioneer woman that I told you about a couple posts ago -- and she has ads and she does contests and gives away great prizes. She commented that it was because she doesn't want to make money from her blog and it is funner to give it away. I started wondering if I could make any money so that I could give away prizes.

Second, I was just curious how they work, how much do you get for doing absolutely nothing at all.

It works like this, you put the ads on, and you get paid. They won't cut you a check until you have made $100. So this is the reason for the first contest. (It is also a shameless bid to generate comments from all 3 of my faithful readers) (Or maybe there are more of you out there????)

To enter the contest, simply predict the month and year in which I will get my first $100 check. To help you in selecting the time frame I will let you know that after 8 weeks of having ads on my blog I have earned a WHOPPING $2.75. (impressive isn't it???) Also I think you get paid about 20 cents per 500 page loads and about 20 cents per click on a link. (and I cannot click on them).

Now here is the fun part . . . the prize (which of course may be years away) will be $100. If no one guesses the month and year correctly then I will get to keep the money for some other contest which I have not thought of yet.

The Rules . . . Only 1 entry per person. All entries must be recieved before 2008.


  1. My vote is - that you will earn $100.00 in May of 09'! Whoo- that is a long time to remember-- so don't forget:) and goodluck!! (I guess that is a goodluck to me, huh?):)

  2. If I click alot, my guess is you will earn your 100.00 by next christmas (dec 08) Kelli

  3. My vote is that you earn your $100 by September 2009--man--can it really take this long?!!?!! Well, that is my vote, so I guess we'll see.

  4. I had to look around to even find the ads...hadn't ever noticed! And I AM a faithful reader! :)
    I guess APril 2009

  5. I'd have to say March 2009. Initially, I thought 2011 but I think your blog will get more popular. We'll just have to wait and see!!!

  6. I am guessing October 2010. I hope sooner though. If I win then I will use the money to buy myself a great b-day present that year!

  7. oh, i want to get in on this-just for kicks. I say Dec. 2008 =)

    I'll have to tell my hubby about this--he's always telling me i need to get a paying job (haha)

  8. June 11, 2008. Seriously though, WHEN do you find time to clean your house and get some sleep and find out how to put ads on your blog? I'm going to be like you when I grow up.

  9. I say February of 2010. Oh I hope I hope I win :)

  10. this is funny...I've never known you can earn money from your blog. My optimistic guess is October of next year (2008). I'll just make sure that I check your blog a lot and tell my friends to as well. He He.

  11. I say Nov 08. I need the money. Just kidding.

  12. Hey, I have been trying to check your blog and click on the ads often, has it made a difference in the money you have earned so far? with all these people in your contest, your earnings have to have jumped from 3.00 to 4.50 by now. hehe

  13. I vote for June of 2008.
    Love you Mom

  14. DANG! I read this a little too late, by one day. Good Luck let me know how it all goes-this is so interesting to me!
