Sunday, December 13, 2015

Race Day

Trent and I ran for the 4th time in the Dallas marathon/ half marathon. This year Trent did his first marathon (I'm still stuck on the half).

It was cold, raining and not the best weather, but we both did well.

 The radar at the start of the race.


Me before the start. Trent and I line up in different corrals. He was in A and I was in B based on our running pace.

 As you cross the finish line they just start handing you things -- your medal, a banana, a blanket, and apple, gatorade, and a bag of snacks. And they take your picture.


Here is Trent at the finish!


We finally met up!

Trent's race was 4 hours 1 minute and 24 seconds (a 9 min 13 second per mile pace)

My race was 2 hours 11 minutes 24 seconds (a 10 minute 2 second per mile pace)

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