
Thursday, June 25, 2015

My favorite kind of day

Today started off ordinarily, driving kids to swim team and at 10 am I dropped Julianne off with friends to go to six flags.  On the way home from swim team I started to realize that no one needed to go anywhere for at least the next 6 hours.  That is exceptionally rare in my world.

I was so excited to get home from swim team and find Catherine feeling a little bit better.  She still has a bad cough but for the first time in a week, she was out and about in the house.  We all had lunch and then I put up all the umbrellas.  Everyone got in their swim suits.  I got a good book to read.  And we were outside from noon to 4.

It was super hot and super bright and sunny but it was really fun.  And snow cones make everything cooler. I got out the underwater camera and let the kids take pictures.  Trent is still in Mexico City so we had cereal for dinner, followed by ice cream cones and then we played sequence on the back patio.  So far this summer nines and sequence have been the favorite games by everyone in the family.


Also, since I had the camera out, I figured I'd document this year's tomato plants. I don't want to jinx anything, but this year has been my best ever!!!! They are all super healthy and producing tons of tomatoes.

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