
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Busy Saturday

Our Saturday started with our ward's Christmas breakfast with Santa and service project. We painted the fence of a lady in our ward who always lets the ward have the ward activities on her beautiful property (the harvest festival and trunk r treat and the Christmas breakfast with Santa). I put Catherine in charge of Santa photos.

Here is Adam telling Santa what he wants this year.

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Owen sat on Santa's lap also. He didn't have any fear or hesitation. He was on a mission. He wanted the candy!!!

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As soon as he had his candy he was done!

Then we were home and my roommate from college came by with her 5 children. We heated the hot tub and the kids played and swam. And I took no photos. I don't know what is wrong with me!!!!

Once Emilie and her kids were on their way, my sister Carrie drove up. She stayed with the kids while Trent and I went to EY's holiday party.

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Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

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