
Sunday, January 22, 2012

The first "failure" of my New Year's Resolution

I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions.   I am more about making gradual changes that progress me towards a goal.  But this year I thought of one. 

And the more I thought about it the more I knew that this was a change I needed to make.  That this was something I could do and should do. 

And so on New Year's eve I went to the library and paid all my fines and resolved that this year I would not have any Library fines. 

That probably meant that I wouldn't let my kids check out any DVD's (even though our library here is as good as Redbox) -- since you get the movies for 2 nights and then the fine is $1 a day. 

That also meant that I was going to login and check the accounts a little more often. 

And I stuck to it . . . until the kids found a movie they really wanted. 

And then I remembered to go online and renew it (at 11:50 p.m.) so that I wouldn't have a late fee.  And then I found out that someone had the movie on hold so I couldn't renew it.  So I got in the car early the next morning to get that movie returned in the box before the library opened.  Whew!  I made it. 

But then, just when I thought things were going well. 

We returned a CD without the paper insert (and the library didn't count it as returned since it wasn't complete) and I didn't renew it since I thought I had returned it and at the same time Adam pulled this book out of his bag, because he wanted to read it some more. . .  and just like that . . .

I owe 20 cents. 

JHH_1859, JHH_1859

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