
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The first day of school 2011

The day finally arrived and as if to remind us that our summer fun was over so did the rain and cool temperatures. All of my kids love going to school (even if they won't always admit it). They also get nervous. This morning was a fun combination of nerves and excitement and rain. Like in this first picture, Julianne is set to walk out to the bus and I wanted a picture of all the kids together. The problem was the drizzle. Even I didn't want to go out in the rain. So I stood on the top step and took this photo looking down on the girls (since even Adam wouldn't go out in the rain).  Each one of these outfits was hand picked.  The girls pore over their clothing decisions.  It drives me crazy. 

After the photo Catherine and Madelyn quickly went back in and I sucked it up and headed out in the drizzle to wait with Julianne.  It's not like you really needed an umbrella, but it wasn't dry either.  In case you were wondering-- there are no pictures of me because I was still in my pajamas.  That is the beauty of being the first stop on the bus route.  The only person that sees me is the bus driver and I have long gotten over my fear of walking out in pajamas.  The other nice thing about being the first stop is that there are no other kids on the bus whose presence might prevent hugging good-bye or kisses on the cheek.  I am certain that when I went to 6th grade (my mom drove me and a few others) that if she tried to give me a hug I responded with rolled eyes and a lecture about embarrasing me later that evening.  Julianne has never done such a thing and I am grateful.  She is growing up so fast, but I love that she doesn't want to get on the bus each morning without a hug and kiss. 

And don't let her shorts fool you.  It was 62 degrees this morning.  I was chilly.  But middle schoolers will be middle schoolers and fashion is no slave to weather. 

As I walked back to the house it felt like fall.  It was cool.  And the leaves have already started to turn colors and land on the driveway.  I was just starting to feel sad about fall's arrival when . . .

I came upon my dahlia's that were in full bloom as if to remind me that there are still hints of summer to be had. 

An hour later it was time for Catherine and Madelyn to head out.  You might notice that Catherine has changed shirts from the earlier picture.  I got a bunch of vague reasons for the switch -- the snoopy one matches her shoes, the striped one's sleeves were too puffy.  Catherine is my girl.  She is all about comfort and humor.  Madelyn is still all about dresses and fancy things.  She was at least the only one willing to recognize that you probably needed a sweat shirt this morning.  (of course she also probably needed rain boots, but she wasn't about to give up the black jeweled flats that went perfectly with her outfit!)

Madelyn quickly sat down and gave me the "it's time to go look".  But not before I heard another classmate tell her that she looked beautiful.  That compliment made her day. 

Here she is already at work on her "What did I do this summer essay?"

As you can see, Catherine is thrilled that I followed her into the classroom to take her picture.  She is trying hard not to show how excited she is to be sitting next to Frankie (or Francis) as she likes to tease him.  She and Frankie have similar senses of humor and she really likes him (as she says --not in the like like way, but just as a friend).

I loved hearing about their days around the dinner table as we did "happy, sad".  We do that each night and everyone has to tell us something happy about their day and something sad.  Then we played Farkle.  My kids love it -- more so because they like to joke that a farkle is a fart that sparkles!! 

My kids are sure silly, but I love them so much!

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