
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Snakes, Swimming, Saying Hello

I am starting to think that one of my children must speak parseltongue as we seem to have more snake encounters than the average family. (read about one such snake encounter here or another snake encounter here) This cute little guy was right in my garage this morning when I went to load our stuff to go to the park. It is a ringneck snake and wikipedia assures me that it is only "slightly venomous" and not really a risk because its fangs are directionally challenged. (yeah -- that is not quite putting my mind at ease). One more little tidbit -- they are fast-- I managed to snap a photo and then grabbed a shovel to scoop it up and put it in the woods and it was long gone.


Then we headed to Kiwanis where we played in the sand and I hoped that I would not have to swim in the freezing water -- (all my time in TX this summer just reminded me how much I love warm water)



This is Adam playing with Eve! I love it!!! Adam and Eve!


In the end I did not have to swim, I got to follow around Owen and continually keep him from putting rocks, acorns, leaves, etc. . . in his mouth.  See him eyeing that rock???


All the girls in the frigid water!

My sweet, red headed, sand eating, soggy diaper, baby!

We all quickly showered and then went to the library where they were watching Beverly Hill Chihuahua 2 -- the kids have this thing for movies involving talking creatures.  Here is Owen trying to escape from the movie!!  He has learned to wave!

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