
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Back to reality

It was so nice to take a quick trip and see my mother and family, but it ended all too soon. And before I knew it, I was back home, back on the routine, back to normal. Lunches needed packing, laundry needed folding, homework needed helping. It all seemed the same, but something was different. My perspective was just slightly altered. I just wanted each moment with my kids to be a little more meaningful. I wanted each instant to last a little longer. I suppose when one is faced with issues of life and death a very natural response is to recognize just how fleeting this life is. I had several very sweet moments upon returning home.

First while flying into White Plains airport, we flew right over my little town. We were flying fairly low and it was a stunning day. The sky was the most perfect blue and spring was at its finest. What had been the ugliest collection of sticks for 5 months had seemingly overnight turned into the most beautiful canopy of light spring green. Sprinkled amidst the spring green were so many shades of white, pink, and purple that the view was utterly breathtaking. I couldn't help reflecting on what a beautiful world we have. I feel like my mother right now is in the winter of life, and just as middle January feels so entirely hopeless -- before you know it spring is in full bloom. We got word today that my mom is eligible and enrolled in a phase I drug trial. It is the hope we are clinging to-- that this drug will work and that her body will experience a renewal like spring.

Second, I missed mother's day with my kids and so upon their arrival home from school I was showered with all their sweet mother's day cards and homemade treasures. I don't always appreciate all the sweet things my children make for me.

Lastly, tonight when I went in to check on Owen in his crib he was in the cutest "baby" position. I remember each of my baby's sleeping like this, but until today I don't think I ever took the time to snap a photo. So here are my photos of the day. Isn't he just the cutest?



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