
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Conference Sunday

We had a very enjoyable conference Sunday. First, the kids and I made these very "Mormon" table centerpieces. I had seen this done on (one of my new favorite websites for finding silly ideas like this!).

They are "Popcorn popping on the Apricot Tree" And from a distance it looks like I have spent days getting forced blooms on branches. But it is just plain air popped popcorn hot glued onto dead sticks. We had a lot of fun making them and delivering them to several friends.


We went to some friends house for brunch (I don't have any pictures) and then came home to watch the first session of Conference. In between sessions of conference we drove to Matt and Lillian Hoyt's new home in Trumbull. We had a yummy dinner and then watched the second session. The kids played Jenga during some of it which meant that for a long time they were very, very quiet and then for a split second they were very, very loud!!!

We also showed off our cute toe nails. The girls and I all went out on Friday to a friend's house to get our nails "glittered" up. We all wish we had flip flop weather instead of rain boot weather.
Owen was happy and cute as always.

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