
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Not this cute boy?

These pictures are from the Stamford Nature Center (we went there yesterday). The story described in the captions is from tonight. (Note this makes 2 posts in a row on Adam's mischeviousness . . . will I survive this boy?)


  1. Wow, you must have the industrial size bottle of goo gone to cover so much in so little time. What a cute naughty boy you have. At least if there was any gum or stickers on any of those surfaces, those are now gone there's a bright side, right?

  2. some of the words are cut off when your pictures scroll? or is it my end? I did get the idea though. Dont you just love it. If they (those naughty ones) were born first there might not be any after them. Or atleast that is how I felt about Kyler. hehe You have a scrubbed clean house all at once!

  3. these little kids are causing quite a lot of trouble. he is so cute and is looking like such abig boy.

  4. Boys are so much fun. They do grow out of it or is it they get to clean up the mess themselves.

  5. He is just so darn cute! It's pretty funny how they can do sooo much damage in such a short amount of time, huh? Well, actually, it's not so funny when you have to clean it up!

  6. Wow!!!! Your story beats all of mine. I will stop complaining about how naughty Emily is. It was so good to talk to you. Can't wait to see you hopefully next year.

  7. Ha ha ha I LOVE it--we have to laugh inorder not to cry. I KNOW one day we will miss this! You ahve such great humor about it!
