
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Adam's 2nd birthday

So, Adam's birthday was pretty low key. It was on a Friday and I had big plans to celebrate at home that night . . . but then Trent missed the New Canaan train and would have had to wait an hour for the next on which would mean that all the kids would be asleep. So, instead, Trent hopped the train to Stamford (because there is one every 10 minutes), we all hopped in the car and we picked him up and went to eat at California Pizza Kitchen. We had a great time, but alas . . . NO PICTURES since I was in a hurry to get to the train station.

Here we are on Saturday morning. Instead of birthday cake, we had pancakes. Instead of candles, we had matches. Instead of extended family all gathered round . . .

we had Skype video phone calls.
And you know, Adam didn't seem to mind one bit!
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  1. It's all about the celebrating. I like the pancakes idea.

  2. Sweet boy. I can't believe it was 2 years ago I came for his arrival!

  3. We love Skype too! And I can't believe Adam is 2. It's so much fun to always see what you all are up to. :)

  4. Wow, time flies! It's crazy to think he's 2. What a cutie!
