
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wrong in so many ways!

It gets hot at the pool waiting for the girls in swim team. They do not allow any kids in the baby pool. (dumb, if you ask me) But Adam yesterday found this new innovative way to get a cool drink.

Step 1 -- put your shoe in the water

Step 2 Drink from shoe

At least the crocs are only a day old, right???? They can't have that many germs yet???? And with no kids allowed in the baby pool, hopefully the chlorine has done its job. For the record, I gave him a water bottle as soon as I saw him doing this and he dumped it out into the pool, then proceeded to fill it and try for a drink. At least with the crocs most of the water falls through all the little holes and gets him pretty wet first and then there is very little left to drink, . . . but then again, that means he licks the shoe to make sure and get it all!
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  1. haha - the pictures are so cute!

  2. That is soo cute!! :) I love your new camera!!

  3. That is too funny. I would definitely limit the drinking from the pool in a couple of weeks once those swim diapers that "hold everything in" plunge into the pool!

  4. I love it. He's such a cute guy--he almost has me convinced that chloriney-shoe water is good!

  5. that was by me(Amber) not dan, by the way

  6. Ha ha ha sicko cute--all at the same time!! Did he get sick? ha ha ha Kids intestines go through so much! BTW-Dan was laughing when I told him about the BYU recruiting weekend and you two being in the same group--he is trying to remember if BYU paid for you to go out there...and if it was people that got a certain ACT score?
