
Thursday, February 28, 2008


1. For two nights in a row Catherine has broken out with a severe case of hives precisely at 9:00 pm. I have gone through everything in my brain and let me assure you -- no new food, no new soap, no new clothes, no new stuffed animals, no new anything-- she is on the bed with the old bedding, one night she took a bath, one night she didn't??? Maybe she is allergic to 9:00. I wish I were then every night I could take 2 benadryl and go to bed at 8:30.

2. I think there is a mouse stuck in the wall behind our bedroom. We had made it almost 10 months without any incidents and now this . . . but it is a weird sounding mouse so maybe it's not -- maybe it is a ghost-- or a rat. . . or a bird???? I don't know. Maybe some benadryl will help me sleep through the sound.

3. Adam's new thing is pushing all his little girl friends. He sees them and gets right over by them to give them a big shove. Why is he doing this?????

Oh well, some things we just may never know.


  1. wow, keep us posted on all those questions. Good questions!

  2. I will wish that habit 'will keep' with Adam in his teenage years!
