
Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Library

Trent has started listening to books on CD as he commutes to and from work. He has really enjoyed it as a change of pace from talk radio and music. You have to plan a head a little though as we learned the last time we were at the library. Apparently lots of people enjoy books on CD and so the pickings are slim. He was able to find 2 books that interested him but I made a mental note to get online at our library and request a bunch so that they will be available to him. I asked Trent his preferences and he said anything by David McCullough. I selected the first four on the list and placed them on hold.
In the mean time he is realy enjoying "His Excellency" a biography on George Washington by Joseph Ellis right now. When we last went to the library he chose this book and one other, but like a man whose eyes are too big for his stomach, in the 3 weeks check out time, Trent has only been able to "almost" finish this one. I got online and tried to renew both of these books on CD for him and was dissappointed that the other book had to be returned as it was requested by someone else. It was some book about the building of the Brooklyn bridge. Trent had both the books in his car and so on his way home from work (at 9:00 p.m.) he had to swing by the library to drop of the Brooklyn Bridge book.
Imagine my laughter when I opened my email the next morning and found this notification.
The item(s) you requested is/are now available for you. See below for the title, pick up library, and the last date the item will be held for you.
The great bridge [the epic story of the building of the Brooklyn Bridge] /
McCullough, David G.
Compact Disc Adult (non-fiction)
624.23 MCC
Apparently, I was the one who requested it!!! I can't believe the library cannot see if a person requesting a book has it currently checked out. Oh well, it sure made me laugh.

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