
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

For The Birds (or to be more precise -- the bird)

Yesterday, we left for school and Trent was about ready to leave for work. When we rode back in the driveway, I was surprised to see his car still here. As I walked into the house, things were quite a bit disheveled. There were several cabinet doors open and bowls and lids everywhere. Trent then walked out of our bedroom (in "play" clothes, not work clothes) and asked (rather sternly) "Is the back door closed?" He continued on "You guys need to keep that door closed. It is ridiculous that you leave it open." He then proceeded to tell us that. . .

"After you guys left, Iwent back into our closet when I heard someone in the bathroom. I was scared thinking someone had come into the house. And something had . . . A bird. A big, black and gray bird. It was flying all over, crashing into the windows and crapping everywhere. It was mad at me and creating quite a scene. I ran through the house shutting doors trying to get it contained. Finally I had it in our bedroom in the sitting area. It kept flying into the window and finally got stuck in the blinds. I got a garbage can and trappped it in the garbage can and then got it untangled from the blinds and used a file folder as a lid and got it outside. All the while the bird was going crazy!."

Trent looked a little worse for the wear. He was hot and sweaty and visibly shaking! Oh we wished we could have watched! He assured me that if this had happened while I was home I would simple have left and left him a note saying I would be back when the bird was gone!


  1. that is awesome--I think I would have died!!

  2. and the best part is. . . this morning . . . TRENT left the back door open!!!!

  3. Jamie do you remember the Bat story at the ranch? Love Aunt Tobi
