
Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday, Monday

It feels like it should be summer and it feels like we've been in school forever already.

Tonight I went on a long walk to pass the time during Catherine's soccer practice and encountered this cute little pond.  It was very peaceful.

Sunday, August 30, 2015


We all worked to organize some toys and get rid of a bunch of things and move things to attic storage, but we all had a lot of fun playing with the baby toys.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Night on the Lake

We went out on Lake Grapevine with our friends, the Barlows. Everything was beautiful until the rope got stuck on the prop, melted onto it, we had no knife on board to cut it, finally called 911, then a boater stopped and had a small dull pocket knife, then I managed to swim under and saw off the ends of the rope, and we made it back in.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Another school day

And instagram now lets you post pictures that are not square!!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

They all just want to sleep

Every single summer day Owen awoke with the sun ready to go. He'd drag me out of bed every morning. Now, just 3 days into the school year he sleeps in like a champ and I am dragging him out of bed every morning. Can someone explain psycho-somatic sleep?

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Gathering Seeds

Sometimes the strangest things evoke memories- I decided to go collect a few seeds for my basil plant. As I was doing it I immediately recalled collecting Marigold seeds in much the same way with my mother as a three or four-year-old in Michigan. Clear as day I could see us breaking apart the dried flower and putting the seeds into a plastic baggy.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Driving back to Reality

Traveling home from vacation is nowhere near the same amount of fun. All the worries and stresses of regular life land right back where you left them. #packinglunches #cookingdinner #homework #jobs #kids #busydays #carpools!!!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday -- another day at the beach

The kids slept in a little so Trent went on a jog and Owen and I went paddle boarding one more time.
Then we said good-bye to Trent's parents and headed to the last beach swimming for the afternoon. At 5:00 we all came home and cleaned up so that we could do pictures one more time!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thursday -- another day at the beach!

Last night a bunch of little jellyfish washed ashore.  They are called blue buttons.  Fortunately they do not sting humans -- but they were everywhere. Also we had shaved ice and grilled cheese from the food trucks. Today we were back at the beach and ate at Pickles for dinner

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday-- on the lake and then at the beach

We went to the boat house and paddle boarded and swam in Western Lake -- it was really awesome. And then of course, we went to the beach. I took Adam and Owen out on the paddle board. They were so silly -- all they wanted to do was swim. Finally we made it about 1/2 mile from the dock, then they jumped in and swam back. At one point I was a little ahead of them and they asked to get back on the board. So they hopped on and then immediately jumped off. Owen said -- we were just trying to beat ya!!! He took a few strokes ahead of me and the yelled "see ya sucker!"

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tuesday at the beach

Much the same fun -- At one point Trent fell asleep and he reminded me of the movie "Weekend at Bernie's" So we watched it tonight.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday at the beach

We awoke once again to a huge thunderstorm. It forced us to slow down, read some books and rest. Here is Trent napping on the porch, book in hand, in his running clothes waiting to go on a jog.

We set up Eno hammocks.

Then we went to the beach.

Then we got cleaned up and took family photos on the beach

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday at the beach

We awoke to deafening thunderclaps and torrential rain.

We headed for a late brunch to the donut hole.

Then the weather cleared and we checked out the beach.

the Clown car