Spying on Owen and his friend Sophie as they play with the toy kitchen. They are being unbelievably cute!

Whatever happened to regular old normal school days?

My boys!

This is one excited boy!!

All the yelling woke up Owen. But he should see this!

She has watched EVERY play! So fun to have another football fan!

Everyone gets a snitch. Owen may get more than one but that's just cuz he's so cute!

He's just running up and down the field. Back and forth, over and over. He says it is soccer! "Mom, I'm doing my soccer.

Without complaining! So I promised him an ice cream cone at McDonald's after football practice.

I'm snapping a picture of the boys when Owen's ice cream cone drips. Naturally he licks the table before I can even stop him!!!!! Yuck!!!!

Quote of the week.

Owen is VERY distressed that they didn't put the flag all the way up today. If only we could all be so innocent and protected. Someday (and probably sooner than I want) he'll understand. #9-11

Owen asks, "mommy can I crawl on you lap?"; How is my baby almost 3?
Also here are some pics from Madelyn's softball game.